What is Kinetic Stretch?
It's Never too Late to Get Back in Motion
As doctors of phsyical therapy, we see so many injuries that involve shortened muscle groups. We created Kinetic Stretch to help address chronic tightness in the twelve muscle groups we find to be the most problematic.
If You're looking to gain mobility, flexibility, or return to physical activity without injuring yourself, Kinetic Stretch was designed for you. Our video course follows stretching techniques we use in physical therapy every day, all accessible from the comfort of your phone.
About Kinetic Physical Therapy
Watch our short about-us video to to learn more about Kinetic.
Together, let's get your IT back!
If you are considering physical therapy, something is motivating you. You may be experiencing pain, dealing with an acute injury, or recovering from surgery. But is that really your whole story? At Kinetic, our focus is that thing that’s motivating YOU. We call that YOUR IT, and we want to help YOU get back to IT. Whether it’s a hobby, like walking or gardening, a sport like golf or running, or maybe it’s just being able to play with your kids or grandkids. Whatever YOUR IT is, our focus is helping you GET IT BACK!
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